The first case of coronavirus in India is identified on 30 January 2020. From March 24 Indian government announced the lockdown for 21 days to prevent the spreading of the corona. Till the date, the corona positive cases increased in India so in many states they introduced mobile applications to know more updates on the…

Let’s thank our HEROES IN DISGUISE!

These are hard times and the government of almost all the countries has asked their citizens to stay indoors so that they can help curb the spread of COVID-19. But there are still some arrogant people who choose not to listen to the government and rather than staying isolated at home they choose to come…

12 Ideas for Surviving 21 Days!

While most of the people are scared of the COVID-19 situation right now, there are few who are disappointed that this did not turn into an episode of The Walking Dead. Indian government after declaring a 21-day total lockdown all over the nation, has made the public go through a dilemma of what are they…

Covid-19 & Market Investments

Great depression The Great Depression started in the United States. After a major fall in stock prices that began around September 4, 1929. And became worldwide news with the Stock market crash of October 29, 1929. Between 1929 and 1932, worldwide GDP fell by an estimated 15%. The effects of the Depression lasted until World…

Top 5 series to watch during quarantine

Quarantine is an effective way to keep the novel coronavirus at bay. Staying at home all day must be boring but this is a good time as ever to finally get into that new shows that have been on your list for a while or rewatch one of your favorites but just haven’t found the…

Everything about COVID-19

What is Corona Virus? This is the general question that’s been popping up in our mind since the first time we heard about the virus.The name ‘Corona’ means ‘Crown’ which depicts the morphological appearance of this virus under a microscope.Some of them from this family cause certain common diseases in humans from the common cold…

COVID-19 will change the world

The financial crisis of 2008 is a worldwide economic crisis. Before that the great depression of 1930. COVID-19 Corona a deadly disease. which is spread in all the countries in the world. After this corona outbreak all the countries will introduce new schemes and the industries will change the rules. Lockdown    In just a…

Deadly diseases the world faced before Covid-19

The COVID-19 is affecting 199 countries with 532,255 confirmed cases and 24,089 deaths recorded. The World Health Organisation (WHO) had declared coronavirus outbreak as “pandemic“ due to its severity and the widespread of the disease. Before COVID-19, the world had faced many epidemics and pandemics across the centuries, claiming millions of human lives. Let’s take…

Reach of COVID-19!

As the world is being taken over by COVID-19, there are many precautions and steps taken by governments all over the world to prevent their nation from getting infected. All the media are educating people about precautions like washing their hands with soap every now and then and practice social distancing. The governments have also…

Does India have enough equipment to test Corona?

Till now, India has done a reasonably good job to keep the situations under control like airport screening, public awareness, quarantining and even announced lockdown of the whole nation for 21 days, in fear of mass community transmission of coronavirus. But if it does, the main cause will be limited testing facilities. According to the…

Myths of COVID-19!

It is said that guns do not kill people but rumors do, which is true in many cases. As the updates about the pandemic are being shared every day, there is also a lot of misinformation going around about Coronavirus. Information from diet to DIYs to prevent coronavirus is being circulated all over the world.…


Clean surrounding is the key of healthy life in which fresh and hygienic clothes plays a vital role. But in this day to day busy life washing and maintaining clothes/garments is one of the most challenging task and this also leads to drainage of valuable time. In this time of difficulty laundry service are the…

Corona’s impact on the Indian economy.

A sharp pickup in India’s business activity in January 2020 signaled momentum returning to Asia’s third-largest economy. Due to the coronavirus outbreak, Prime Minister Narendra Modi imposed section 144 all over India for 21 days. All the shops will be closed till April 14 except for basic commodities, medical shops, and banks. This will lead…

Coronavirus has four stages. where do you think India stands at?

The total cases in India has reached to 519. Twenty new cases, ten deaths so far and 40 recovered. According to The Indian Council of Medical Research, India is at Stage 2 and there are no cases of community transmission, so far. What are the other stages of the outbreak? let’s know more about the…

COVID – 19 Survival Rate!

According to the latest reports, the coronavirus can live for about three days on some surfaces. Although the chance of getting infected by touching items or surfaces which are infected is low, it is not impossible. The study, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, also says that the virus dies over the course…

Let’s fight Corona by building our immunity strong.

Tired of being at home all day? Let’s use this free time to take care of our health and how to be strong to fight corona. Our immune system does a remarkable job of defending us against disease-causing microorganisms. But sometimes it fails, when a germ invades successfully and makes us sick. Is it possible…


The laundry market in Amritsar area has been booming lately. New stores are being opened on a regular basis. They try to promote their company but still due to the competition and the wrong price point, they are not as profitable as they could have been.It is believed that there is a scope in this…

Let’s end corona at stage 2!

According to the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, a total of 519 COVID-19 cases have been reported in 24 states/union territories. These include 39 who have been cured/discharged, 1 who has migrated and 9 reported deaths. Hospital isolation of all confirmed cases, tracing and home quarantine of the contacts is ongoing. So the Indian government imposed section 144…

Corona knows all the direction to reach you

PEOPLE TO PEOPLE Corona can spread between two people in close contact with each other with a distance of 6 feet. It can have the possibility of spreading through droplets of sick people through cough and sneeze. It is confirmed, that corona can be airborne by droplets. It can be spread through cough and sneezes…

Services During the Pandemic Lockdown

As coronavirus cases keep escalating in India, the Indian government is doing its best to aware people and teach them what are the steps needed to be followed to avoid COVID-19. Along with these measures, the government is also asking the public to stay calm and avoid traveling unless it is really necessary. The government…