Get your family involved in doing the Laundry
Getting the Laundry done on a daily basis can be a mundane task. And maybe stressful at times if the volumes are on the higher side. However, I realized that it does not have to be as daunting. If I get the family involved in doing this chore. It will surely lessen the burden and also result in getting the task done in a jiffy. Here are a few tips and tricks that will help you in managing your laundry well.
Assign a Laundry Basket for each member.

Assign laundry baskets for each member of your family. That way, laundry ends up organized in easy-to-carry baskets and strewn all over your home. You can have separators or different laundry bags to sort out the light, medium and dark-colored clothes. So the laundry gets sorted each time they change.
You can have a separate basket for towels, bed linen, and curtains. These assigned baskets can be kept in the bedrooms. And I would not suggest the bathroom (as they are steamy) and chances are that the clothes may get mildewed. Once a basket is full it’s an immediate indicator to load them into the machine. To pep up the task you can put up a large sticker with their names on the basket. Or have different colored baskets for each member.
Schedule your laundry
Having all your clothes sorted, you can now focus on washing them. Set regular schedules for each member to do their laundry so that it becomes a routine and not a task that sneaks up on never-ending piles. The larger your family, the more often you will have to schedule the laundry. This also ensures that uniforms and their favorite clothes are washed regularly and not lying piled up.
Stay organized
Since you have kids who will be loading the clothes in the machine, keep your detergents, fabric softeners and brushes to scrub those stubborn collars all within reach. Demonstrate to your kids on the right amount of detergent they need to use depending on the size of the wash. You can teach them from a young age about separating the darks from the lights, checking pockets, turning the clothes inside out before putting them into the machine and reading clothes tags.
Drying them out
I always prefer to sun dry my clothes on the balcony rather than tossing them into a dryer. The convenient sized stands available in the market makes it easier for kids to dry out the clothes and well as take them off on their own. These stands come in foldable versions so you can stack them aside once you are done with the day’s laundry.
Learning to put back the washed linen
Take turns in getting each member to fold and put back the washed laundry. This may be a daunting task on hand cause it’s not each one’s forte to fold clothes and stack them back into their cupboards. I actually prefer ironing the freshly laundered clothes before it goes into the cupboard. Depending on your preference, you can decide how this can be done so long as the washed clothes get back to your cupboard without creating another pile up.
Give Up On Perfection
I have quickly learned if I want to teach them to contribute to household chores, I have to give up on my need for everything to be done exactly like I would do it. It’s a learning process so give the kids sometimes before they figure out the right way of doing things. But redoing the task for them is only going to hurt their pride and does not serve the purpose. Slowly and stealthily they will improvise and get grip on doing it the right way. Patience is the key!
Apart from the above tips and tricks, you should look at it as a way of teaching a life skill to your kids. Getting family members to be responsible and contributing to household chores. You can also make a fun activity and if your kids are young, make sure to appreciate and reward them for helping out. I hope you have found these tips helpful in streamlining the process of having your laundry well organized. If you have anything that makes your laundry process quicker and easier, please do share it in the comments below!
With that being said, Dhobi G is a go-to help for anything related to laundry. You may browse many more similar tips at Visit Dhobi G at Make sure to check them out on Facebook as well at