Daag Acche Hai- A Guide to Stain Removal
Have you ever tried to remove a stain but it was too obstinate to leave? Ever had to throw a fine fabric just because the stain refused to leave? Ever wondered how some people are able to remove stains that you are not able to? Well, then you have clicked on the apt link as here we have one-stop solutions for almost every stubborn stain (Daag).
Read the article till the end for complete information on removal of stains.
Do leave your reviews in the comment section.
So what is a stain?
Ever googled the word. Well don’t stress on it, let me do it for you.
So when you Google definition of stain, the search engine says, ” To leave a colored mark that is difficult to remove.” ” Dhabba ya Daag”.
According to me it is a mark on clothes which can upset your mom. So much so that you may have to do away with your wifi connection for a week or two!! Personal experience.
Well jokes apart stains can be a real headache. From solids like solid dirt to liquids like coffee, ink, soups and gases like those in a bottle of deodorant all are highly attracted to fabric material hence are quite importunate to remove.
We believe in giving easy solutions to tedious daily life problems, hence we have a set of soutons to solve this problem too l. Check it out below.
Basic Method and Science
Well first let’s acquaint ourselves with the basic principle of washing clothes.
It is a three step process –
1) Fill water according to the quantity of clothes and add detergent.
2) Allow the fabric to sink in the detergent mixture, once it is done take out the fabric and agitate with a washing brush or agitatate automatically if you have a washing machine.
3) Finally rinse the fabric in water and allow the dirt to escape.
The science behind this process can be understood by the simple process of micelle formation. Well once you add the detergent micelles formation takes place. Micelles are bobbles like structures with a fat head and a very lean tail like body. One end is hydrophilic and other hydrophobic means one end loves water other hates it. So one end finds solace in an environment surrounded by dirt and other attaches itself to water particles hence causing agitation in process. Once you rub the fabric the dirt comes out with the micelle ball and dissolves in water.
The Three Basic Principles
Well before I start with on how to remove specific stains we need to remember the three basic principles you have to follow for any kind of stain. Whether it is coffee or ink you need to follow these principles along with the specific treatment.
1) Try to wash the fabric as early as possible don’t allow the stain to settle in.
2) Pre – treatment with stain remover is essential.
3) Keep the fabric care instructions in mind before laundering the clothes.
Removing Specific Stains
1) Coffee / Tea –
* Soak the fabric in water and follow the three basic principles of stain removal.
* Add sodium hydrochlorite bleach if the fabric or add simple oxygen bleach.
* You can blot up the excess coffee and treat with stain remover.
* Then add half teaspoon of vinegar.
* Finally wash the stained area and wash with warm water.
* Rub alcohol to remove the stain.
If you want detailed analysis on the removal of coffee stains to go through this amazing article by Sarah Aguirre-
2) Lipstick / Cosmetics –
Now the reason I have priortised this is because of the fact that this filthy stain can actually end marriages!!
Now it may happen that you get lipstick stains from anywhere corporate parties, meetings etc and to prevent any confusion with your wife it is safe to remove it as fast as you can.
* Now follow the three basic principle set alongside upcoming steps.
* Blot the stain and take a damp cotton ball rubbed with alcohol.
* Just softly blot the stain with cotton ball, any pressure can spread the stain. Then rinse the cloth and alcohol away.
3) Ink–
It is one of the most frequent stains that we encounter in our daily lives. It is also one of the hardest to remove.
* Follow the basic principles of stain removal along with following steps.
* Dampen the stain area with alcohol or cleaning fluid.
* Now turn the fabric such that stain is facedown. Apply alcohol.
* Rinse in water and launder properly.
* Or hold the fabric taut with stain at mouth of a jar or glass.
* Now apply the stain remover such that the ink falls in the jar.
* Rinse and launder.
4) Ketchup–
Whether you get a nice sandwich or not but a ketchup stain is surely something you can get while trying to dig into a sandwich.
* Follow the basic principles of stain removal along with following steps.
* Remove the excess ketchup on the fabric maybe with a spoon but make sure that you don’t seep the puree into the cloth.
* Sponge the stain with vinegar.
* Force the water from backside to carry stain out.
* Finally rinse properly.
5) Shoe Polish –
* If the shoe polish is solid then remove excess polish.
* Once done treat with a stain remover while following the basic principles.
* Finally wash and rinse.
* For liquid polish pretreat the stain with stain remover then soak and rinse
Repeat until stain is removed.
Conclusion –
Well we have covered the major stains in a fabric system. There can a million more. It is also not necessary that all stains are removal. But most of them are.
Do you have any experience with other stubborn stains?
Do you know any special method to remove them?
Do you have other ideas to remove stains mentioned above?
Do comment down below.
With that being said, Dhobi G is a go-to help for anything related to laundry. You may browse many more similar tips at https://blog.dhobig.com/. Visit Dhobi G at www.dhobig.com. Make sure to check them out on Facebook as well at https://www.facebook.com/DhobiGOnline/.
Keep reading. Keep smiling.