All stain solutions

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You are going for dinner and you drop a sauce on your dress. Are you working in the kitchen and may have an oily stain. You are working in the garden and have dirt stains on your garment. You are studying and have an ink stain on your uniform. I think we might have faced all these experiences and many more, right? But what about how to remove them. There are several questions in our minds about how to remove the stain with simple solutions.

Some stains are so stubborn that it is very difficult to remove them if not properly taken care of them.

Some stains are so tough that it becomes permanent on clothes. It is quite difficult to remove stains even by using most advanced washing machines and washing powders.

But there are some solutions you can do to remove stain totally.

So firstly we have to learn about the types of stains. That we have in our daily life, for example blood stains, food stains, dirt stains, grease or oil etc.

Different stain has different removal process, so here are a few solutions you must follow:

Initially remove excess stains from the garment by wiping it by towel, brush.


For blood stains, you can directly apply liquid detergent and detergent powder on the garment and rub it together. You can also use hydrogen peroxide which is easily available at the drug stores. But for your convenience, you can apply some soda or salt as well.

For other stains, you can presoak the garment in detergent water and warm water for some time.

Follow the instructions given by the garment fabric care label. So that you can add the proper amount of detergent and the proper temperature of water either cold or hot.

Put your garment in drier only when stains are removed.

Whenever there is a stain on your garment, remember to soak it in the cold water initially, so that it can easily be removed.

Remember don’t rub or scrub the stains instead dab carefully with a cloth.


You can use club soda or plain water to remove ink stains by applying it through a napkin. If you have any ballpoint pen stain put a towel on clothes and apply some alcohol on the spot. You can also use ammonia to remove ink stains.

Acidic agents like vinegar and lemon are also used for stain removal of tough stains. This method is widely used by our ancestor how can we get wrong in this….!!!!!


Now let’s talk about the grass stains whenever we used to play in playgrounds and our children’s play in the garden even the gardener working in the garden faces the issues of grass stain but here is a very cool trick which you can easily do at home. Just take any toothbrush and a white toothpaste and just apply it on the stain and brush it off and rinse it. Make sure you use a paste, not a gel.


ÂNow, I am going to tell you collar stain, yes you heard it right, whether we are school students or daily working on the job we wear shirts and face the issue of collar stain, right? To remove collar stains at your home you can apply shampoo, I am damn sure you all have shampoo in your home and if not you can buy packets of just rupee one, so cheap isn’t it? So all you have to do it to pour some shampoo liquid and rub it for a while on the collar and just soak it for 15 to 20 minutes and then rinse.


Now here is something for our home cooks or chefs and others as well. Here I am talking about oily and greasy stains that are so stubborn and get blended in our garment and there is no option for us instead of just pretending that they are not there. But don’t worry I have solutions which you can do it at your home and can get rid of that stubborn stain. Just apply a sprinkle of cornstarch on the spot and wait for about 5 minutes so that it can absorb the grease and after that just brush it out and then you can laundry it. You can also use a spray that is WD-40by applying it on the spot and then soak the garment for 30 minutes and then rinse it. Even you can use chalk by applying it on the spot, not a bad idea. You can also use salt to remove oily stains from your clothes, just sprinkle it over the stain spot and wait for a while and then brush it out.


Imagine if you are having a glass of red wine in a party and suddenly it just spills out on your dress, that quite unexpected at least for me. So all you have to do is to apply to soak it for a few minutes and apply some baking soda on the stain. Another thing you can do is that stretch your cloth over a larger area apply some sprinkle of saltand pour some boiling water on it, but remember don’t rub or scrub your garment and rinse it with hot water properly.


Last but not least, I will tell you about tea stains. While having a cup of tea whenever you have a tea stain firstly just rinse it with cold water from its upper surface. If it is a dried stain you can apply some baking soda on it for a few minutes and soak it in detergent water and after that rinse it properly in cold water.

so these are all solutions for stain removal and now you can say BYE BYE TO STAINS!!!!!! Forever….

With that being said, Dhobi G is a go-to help for anything related to laundry. You may browse many more similar tips at Visit Dhobi G at Make sure to check them out on Facebook as well at