Every season has its own fabric. Every occasion points to that special dress of yours which is quite fragile. When it comes to shopping, we look for every tiny detail. And the quality of the fabric is given the highest preference. Sometimes, our clothes are our greatest treasure but taking care of them, it’s quite a strenuous challenge.
Ufff… doing laundry is such a tough task and when it comes to the expensive fragile fabric our hearts sink in the fear of spoiling the clothing. There are different kinds of fabric which need a different kind of treatment from each other. Being unaware of the particular treatment that applies to different fabrics. we tend to throw all the fabrics together in the washing machine. And to our shock, the most precious dress is spoiled not fit to be worn again.
As different days require different clothing, different fabric requires its own type of washing. All clothes are not meant to be washed together. Some fabrics tend to lose its colour, other fabrics are bulky, few are sensitive pastels and others do not require water. First things first, we must segregate all our clothes based on its type of fabric.

It is necessary to understand the type of fabric, its texture, and its usage.
Yes, it’s annoying but once you are aware of all these, doing laundry will no longer irritate you or scare you. Instead, you will do it with ease. Now, daily wear fabrics are cozy and comfy and they are not as sensitive. Just pay attention to wash them separately they are quite easy and do not consume much time. Here comes the tricky part, it is not a secret but wash white clothes separately and colored dark clothes separately so that you can keep your whites, white.
All those expensive clothes have instructions for washing on its tag, just follow the instructions and you are good to go. Be careful not to use random hacks from the internet as there are high chances that you ruin your clothes. The best option is to take advice from the experts and they will guide you the best. If you think that your clothes need dry cleaning then don’t hesitate but find out the most reliable dry cleaners and give your clothes only to the trusted dry cleaners.
Dry cleaning
Mostly, the Indian traditional clothes and their fabric needs care while washing or ironing. So, just don’t fool around but trust the experts. Winter clothes usually are bulky, wash them with warm water, and take care not to tumble dry as they will stretch and lose the warmth. There are also other fabrics that require laundry such as bedsheets, curtains, seat covers, etc. They are prone to contain more germs than other fabrics. Even these fabrics need proper care so that they last long.
Bedsheets and other bulky fabrics must not be washed along with regular clothes. They require a wash at least once a week. Make sure to keep a regular check on how often you wash the bed sheets and curtains. Maintain a diary for these which will make it easy to wash them on a regular basis and keeps you organized.
Keep your clothes safe
The most important thing is to have proper knowledge about different fabrics and follow the expert’s instructions from reliable sources. Keep your clothes safe and be happy with your treasure. If you ruin them, remember you cannot restore them. Take care of your clothes before you lose them forever.
You are not done yet, there is another major step which requires your attention after the laundry. The way you treat your clothes after the laundry is as important as doing laundry itself. If you don’t take proper care of this step then all your hard work is gone down the drain.
Always remember to dry your clothes inside out in the sun as the clothes tend to fade under the sunlight and you will have a weird looking pant which is dark on one side and light on the other. I’m sure you don’t want that, so dry your clothes inside out.
Dry the washed clothes in a clean place. Usually, wet clothes tend to absorb the smoke or dust around, make sure the place is clean before you hang them for drying. The sunlight is good for your clothes (when they are inside out) as its heat will kill the germs and will keep the clothes fresh. I love to smell the clothes after the laundry as the fragrance proves its freshness.
Once the clothes are dry, iron the clothes which need to be ironed and fold them properly so that they will be ready when you need to wear them. Another thing which should draw your concern is the type of fabric while ironing your clothes. Each fabric needs a different degree of heat and if you miss that then you will burn your clothes as I did just in the most needed moment and I regretted it instantly.
So, check the heat dial of the iron box before ironing and set it to the required temperature, and then you are good to go. If you feel that all this process is still pesky then you better find a reliable one-stop Laundry option and have a pleasing laundry with zero fuss, your clothes will be as precious as they were if you pick the right stop or follow the expert’s advice. Happy Laundry!! No longer pesky or fuzzy.
With that being said, Dhobi G is a go-to help for anything related to laundry. You may browse many more similar tips at Visit Dhobi G at Make sure to check them out on Facebook as well at