How to remove grease stains
Being a mechanic always excites you to fixing without fearing the fact that your loving clothes might get dirty. Avoid later guilt trip of losing your clothes’ real color by following the given steps to remove grease stains –

Step-1: Try dabbing the stain with some baby powder
Step-2: make sure you rub it in well
Step-3: then remove and brush off any excess powder
Step-4: repeat until the mark is gone
How to keep whites whiter
You must be wondering how to keep your white clothes as if they are just out form the showroom.
Don’t let the losing whiteness take away your wining impression. Here are some tips to keep the whiteness intact –
· Gather delicate white items, such as sheer blouses, shirts, or undergarments.
· Review the fabric care tags to see how to wash white delicate and make sure the items are washable. Note whether machine or hand washing is suggested, as well as the recommended wash temperature and drying method.
· You can machine wash most delicate whites in cold water. Adjust the water level, and use a gentle or delicate setting. Tide gets perfect results in every wash, even with cold settings.
· Hand-wash delicate undergarments or items specifically labeled “hand-wash only.” Dilute a small amount of Tide Ultra OXI High Efficiency Liquid in a tub, bucket, or sink filled with cold water, and then dunk and rinse your clothes under running water.
· Dry delicate on low or by hanging them up to dry. Check the labels.
Here are some amazing tips for grease stains.
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