Bye Bye stains!!
Stains can be removed with these at home:

Acetic acid, commonly known as vinegar that is capable of dissolving stains.
If you don’t like the idea of using heavily-scented commercial fabric softeners, but want softer clothes, distilled white vinegar acts as a natural fabric softener and leaves no residue on laundry. Just add one-half cup to the final rinse cycle.
If you do like a light scent, add a couple of drops of essential oil like lavender to the bottle of vinegar.
Most stains like sweat or lime stain which are slightly acidic in nature and hence dissolve when in the presence of another acid like vinegar. Their reaction is what helps unclog that drain or brighten a sink or two.
Baking soda

 Baking soda, which is a must available in your kitchen act as the best gift to your laundry wash with very little expense to use. It is best for reducing odor and is maintaining fresh smell for long.
Body odors on our clothes and linens are caused by bacteria. The bacteria are removed when detergent molecules break up the bacteria cells on the fabrics to be flushed away. However, less expensive detergents that don’t contain hard-working enzymes to tackle bacteria need a boost to work more effectively.
Baking soda helps to regulate the pH level in the washer’s water by keeping it from being too acidic or alkaline. By adding 1/2 cup of baking soda to each laundry load, detergents can work more effectively and reduce bacteria.
It boost detergent performance as well as softening of fabric.
 Table Salt
The next time a pot boils over, sprinkle some salt on the mess. When you finally get to cleaning up the spot, it will wipe right up with no scrubbing required. Â
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