Keep your laundry new with minimum efforts

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Can’t wear your favorite lucky red dress on a date because it is dirty and the maid is on leave? Or those black trousers in the meeting because it smells. And you don’t have time for laundry ?. You can fix it on your own. Trust me it’s not as difficult as getting your engineering degree or even close.

All you have to do is start with separating all the light clothes and the heavy ones. Light clothes would be t-shirts, sarees, clothes with thin fabric. And the heavy ones would be Denim, Sweatshirts, Jackets. And separate the innerwear and lingerie and all other delicate clothes.

Step 1:

Next you have you separate the clothes into whites, pastels and darks so that if the dark coloured clothes bleed or transfer the colour they don’t get onto your light-coloured clothes.

Step 2:

Start by treating the clothes which have stains, remove the stains first with the help of stain remover, detergent, or vinegar.

Step 3:

While doing the laundry the first thing that must be kept in mind is to read the labels, there are clothes with the tag of ‘hand wash’ or ‘wash separately’. All the clothes that have the tag of wash separately can be washed in a separate pile.

Step 4:

Now after making separate piles, pick a detergent which suits the best to your machine. There are detergents available for both ‘top-load machines’ and ‘front load machines’ in the market.

Step 5:

Always put the detergent before loading the machine. Use cold water to wash the clothes but if the clothes are very dirty or smells bad use warm water.

Step 6:

Load the washer and make sure that there is enough space for them to move after loading it. Always put the clothes inside out in the washer so that the clothes don’t look washed out.

Step 7:

Now remove the washed clothes from the washer and put it in the dryer for them to dry.

Step 8:

Make sure to put the light and heavy piles separately in the dryer also as light clothes take comparatively lesser time to dry out.

Step 9:

Keep the dryer on the correct temperature as per the instructions as it will prevent the clothes from shrinking.

Step 10:

  If you are not in hurry, you must always opt for drying the clothes by hanging them and let them air dry on their own. Air drying the clothes saves your clothes from the damage as drying the clothes in the machine frequently can cause damage to the clothes and the colour of the clothes can also fade when done more frequently.

Step 11:

As soon as the clothes are dry, fold the clothes. Folding clothes is a good way to keep them wrinkle-free.

Step 12:

You can straight away iron the clothes and keep them in your wardrobe or keep them and iron when needed whatever suits you.

And Voila… your laundry is done.

There are a few simple tricks with which you can take care of your clothes in general and prevent them from looking old;

  • You must not wash the denim every day, you must wear it 6-7 times before washing it.
  • Don’t throw your dirty clothes anywhere as it can create wrinkles in the clothes which weren’t there in the first place.
  • Turn off the light of your closet and don’t keep the clothes in the sunlight for too long as light fades the colour of the clothes and can make the new clothes look old.
  • Let the lotion or the cream on your body to dry before you put on the clothes as wet lotions can stain your clothes
  • Don’t put the deodorant or perfume from too close on your clothes as it can leave a stain too
  • Let the clothes dry properly before keeping them in the cupboard as the wet clothes can smell bad.
  • Always wash the clothes inside out, it keeps the freshness of the clothes alive.
  • Wash the clothes in cold water unless stained or the clothes has foul smell in it.
  • Bleach the white clothes to keep its shine and brightness.
  • Follow the labels on the clothes as much as possible as certain clothes demands to be treated a certain way for them to last long.
  • Try to remove the stains as quickly as possible as the stain can be a little tough to be removed after resting on the fabric for a long time.
  •  Don’t wash the clothes in the machine at home if it demands to be dry cleaned only. It can ruin the clothes.
  • Don’t put the clothes in the washing machine which has rhinestones or any kind of work on it.

Here are your laundry tips!

With that being said, Dhobi G is a go-to help for anything related to laundry. You may browse many more similar tips at Visit Dhobi G at Make sure to check them out on Facebook as well at