9 easy ways to remove period stains??
It’s not for you and me, but all the girls like us have this problem. Have you ever had the experience of spoiling your new underwear, white pants, shots, and other clothes? 9 easy ways to remove period stains.
Of course, we all have them will have them for sure, It’s nature. But if we leave them the way they are, it’s definitely our mistake. Hey! Girls don’t worry, we are just here to make this process easy for you…..
Easy ways to remove period stains:
1)Undergarments with fresh or little stain:-
If the bloodstain is very little like a drop or if your periods just made your underwear stained you can use a simple best way. That is rinsing the clothe/underwear in cold water. Keep the crotch of your underwear in cold running water. Scrub it gently with your hand and rinse properly. If you want you can use a soap nearby. After scrubbing make sure to wash completely.
2)Undergarment set_in/ stubborn stain:-
Lemmon juice is simply the best way to remove any kind of heavy stain like ink and others. It is probably used in this case also. Take half of the lemon. Squeeze it around the stained area and gently rub it with the lemon itself. After scrubbing simply rinse it in water and wash it thoroughly with soap or your favourite detergent. Don’t make a direct contact with soap after scrubbing it can damage your clothes’ quality. Lemon contain citric acid which has natural bleaching property. You can also use aspirin+ water mixture to clear stubborn stains.
3) stain on Light colored clothes:-
As we all know most of like light colours. Due to menstruation our beautiful clothes can be damaged. We have a solution for this situation. Hydrogen peroxide can be readily available. Use hydrogen peroxide on the stained area. You can simply dip the stained area in hydrogen peroxide solution.It remove stains and maintain your clothes as it is!.
If you don’t have hydrogen peroxide don’t worry girls. Take baking soda and cold water in equal proportion to make a scrub and apply over the stained area. Leave it to dry and wash it.
4) stains on Dark colored clothes:-
Salt is the best solution.It your clothes are dark and you have fear of bleaching it you can completely believe salt.It’s weird, but it does work well. Salt remove all kinds of blood stain. The main advantage is it’s not a acid or something, so it don’t bleaching your dark clothes and simply erase the stain.
5)Period stain on mattress:-
Be careful girls, take immediate action on mattress or it would be very difficult for you. Bacterial infection may occur on the inner pads of mattress . Use Baking soda and vinegar in these cases. Rinse with cold water. Make a paste using baking soda and vinegar. Pour them on your mattress and wait untill it dry. Use some microfibres to scrub the dried area.Then wash it with water. Dry the mattress under sunlight as it can kill the germs and bacteria.
If the stain was very intense take Hydrogen peroxide(1/4)+ corn starch (1/2)+salt(1) in this proportion. Make a mixture and use it over the mattress or Bedsheets.
6)Travel time stains:-
Everyone loves to travel. But,if it’s you day of periods…….. You don’t have to worry about that friends. Salt is available anywhere you can use it to wash your clothes. Use it in the way said before. Periods cannot stop your adventurous mind.
7) Stains on white clothes:-
Wearing Black is attractive and beautiful. But wearing white is gorgeous. Don’t let your gorgeous arrested by your periods. Make a paste with baking soda and water. Let it dry for at least 30 minutes. Then scrub the clothe gently with lemon.Rinse with water.Thoroughly wash it with water and soap/ detergent.
8)Laundry products for blood stain removal:-
Carbona _ stain devil is highly recommended for organic stain. It can be used for both bloodstain and milk-like stain.
Enzyme cleaners are of good choice. We know enzyme acts of organic products and are able to break it.
9)some notes:-
- Make sure you dry the clothes in sunlight, as it kills the bacteria and protects you from infection.
- While sleeping on your bedspread any dark clothes or Bedsheets to prevent the mattress from stain.
- Be cautious in using baking soda, vinegar, and hydrogen peroxide. Unwanted usage can damage your clothes
- Scrub your underwear gently with the hand or simply use a sponge.
These are some easy ways to remove period stains!
Reference :-
- https://cleanmastersydney.com.au/how-to-remove-blood-stains-from-mattress.html
- https://www.teenvogue.com/story/how-to-clean-period-stains/amp
- https://blog.pslove.com/how-to-remove-blood-stains/
- https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.wikihow.com/Remove-Blood-from-Your-Underwear-After-Your-Period%3Famp%3D1&ved=2ahUKEwj51K_S69HoAhUw63MBHZOoBF0QFjALegQIBBAB&usg=AOvVaw0xrJivtCXIL9uHu5-pgE88&cf=1