How to Remove Coffee and Tea Stains
I am sure that most adults struggle to clear away the stubborn stains of tea and coffee. How to remove coffee and tea stains. It is extremely annoying when you end up waking up late in the morning and do everything in a hurry and just when you are sipping that tea or coffee from your cup, it accidentally stains your clothes. At that moment you don’t know what you should worry about more? Whether to run to the office or get that stain out or else it will leave a permanent mark on your clothes.
If you too have been in a situation and lost a cute top or favorite shirt to such an incident, you need to stop worrying and get to work by taking the suggestions and following the series of steps in the next section.
Steps The steps to clear away the coffee/tea stainsare quick and easy, you just need to follow the instructions given below.

Pre-treatment is done prior to the actual washing. The steps of pretreating are pretty simple.
Step 1 – First things first, place your cloth under cold water.
Step 2 – The tide ultra stain release liquid works wonders when pretreating your cloth. In this step, you are required to pour the liquid detergent on the stain.
Step 3 – After you have poured the detergent, you are required to rub the stained area with
both your hands and make sure to not do it very harshly. You can take the help of a soft-bristled toothbrush also so that the detergent travels deep inside the fibers.
Step 4 – Leave the cloth for a few minutes to see the effective results
The next step is to dose. If you do not own an HE machine, you are required to take the appropriate dose of the detergent. You can take the help of the cap of the detergent bottle to endure that you have the correct amount. Pour this inside the bucket/drum. In case you own an HE machine, you need to take the dose of detergent and pour it into the detergent dispenser.
After you have soaked your clothes in the right amount of detergent, here comes the next step i.e., washing. There are no specific instructions as to how to wash the cloth but you should make sure that you are well informed with the care label of each cloth before you wash it so that you don’t end up ruining it.
The last step is to unload. When you have washed the clothes, take it out of the machine (if you used a machine to wash) and remove the excess water and hang it to dry.
The most important thing to remember while you decide to remove that stubborn stain is to pretreat your cloth well. The next steps are quite simple and usual but if the pretreatment goes wrong there hardly any other ways to get that stain out. If you failed to get that stain out in the first try, you can repeat all the steps again and you will realize that the stain becomes lighter with every wash.
Tips and tricks to remove the stain when in hurry
Two simple hacks that you can practice if you want the stain to go away instantly is to wipe it with a wet cloth. Make sure that the cloth you are using to remove the stain is soaked in cold water.
One other way to remove the stain is to run cold water on the cloth from the backside. There is one more trick you can practice if you own the Tide to go instant stain remover.
Here are the steps for the same.
Here are the steps to remove coffee and tea stains:
- Wipe off the excess residue from the cloth.
- Now, take the Tide to go stain remover and apply it to the stain with the help of the tip
of the container and repeat in slow motions. - Continue to slowly rub the tip gently on the stain. If it is required, you can add some
liquid on the stain as well. - If somehow you end up exposing the stained area to the sunlight. Take a damp cloth
and remove the extra solution from the stain
This was all about the coffee/tea stain removal. If you follow the given instructions as per the sequence you will be able to remove it in no time. This idea not only works for tea and coffee stains but also for chocolate or turmeric stains. If somehow, you end up spilling some chocolate milk on your shirt. Follow the steps above and get that stubborn stain out. Tide plus bleach powder is one very good agent to treat stains on your white cloth but do not make a mistake of treating your colors with the bleach powder as they will get discolored.
This is our efforts to help you to remove coffee and tea stains .