Get rid of stains
Well clothes reflect an individual’s culture, personality, and preferences. People wear them to enhance personal appearance and protect the body from extreme temperatures and elements in various climates. Clothing communicates information about the wearer and first impressions can be heavily influenced by the messages conveyed by attire. Clothes have developed from a practical asset to a social marker: they affect the way we see ourselves. Get rid of stains!
They help us to be seen in the light that we wish to be, and also exude our personalities and social status. In many societies, dress sense embodies personal wealth and taste. If you have not yet had a stain ruin a favorite article of clothing, consider yourself lucky. Stainscan force a prized piece of clothing into early retirement if you do not how to address them properly. But there are several ways to remove these stains from the clothes. It should be duly noted that every stain is not the same neither the method to remove them is the same.
Luckily, all stains have something in common so you should be well aware of them because it will help you to remove them without destroying clothes. The most important aspect of stain removal is pre-treating as soon as possible. The sooner we treat the stain the better are the chances of removing it.
Pre-treat it with liquid laundry detergent, using an up-and-down motion
with a soft brush to break up the stain. Rinse well. Sponge with white
vinegar and rinse again. Repeat, treating the stain with liquid detergent, then with white vinegar until you’ve removed as much stain as possible.
Whether it is your favorite jeans or your little black dress, a dress that your
friend does not know you borrowed or your favorite white top. Do not worry if it is ruined either by some oil stain or by wine, grass, chocolate, etc. every problem has a solution. So here are some easy ways to remove stains from your wonderful clothes. Get rid of stains!
Oil-based stains
Oil-based stains, like from a salad dressing, can also be handled with
tableside ingredients. Simply sprinkle it with salt, allow it to sit for a bit and
then brush the seasoning off the garment. The salt should have absorbed
the oil in a few minutes then keep on rubbing with slow hands upside down
for a few minutes and rise it off with water. Lemon juice with cream of
tartar can also be used as it is one of the best ways to remove the stain
Grass stains
A grass stain can be easily removed with the help of a toothbrush and
toothpaste. Make sure you use toothpaste and not tooth gel. Just use a small amount of toothpaste on the stain and use a wet brush to rub it. Voila! Those grass stains are nowhere to be seen on those beautiful garments of yours.
Ink stains
If you get ballpoint pen ink on a piece of clothing, put a paper towel under
the stain. Then, apply some standard rubbing alcohol to the affected area.
Larger stains may need to soak for up to 15 minutes. Blot/sponge at the
stain with a clean cloth until you notice that ink is no longer being transferred. Wash as usual in hot water.
Red wine
Soak up the spill by immediately sprinkling it with baking soda. Gently dab
the stain with a clean, damp cloth to absorb the wine. Do not scrub or rub! Next, as soon as possible, stretch the stained fabric over a large bowl or kettle, secure the fabric and apply a layer of salt to the stain and let it sit for about five minutes. Then, carefully pour boiling water over the fabric. Then put it in the washing machine on the highest water heat possible.
Blood stains
Method for removing blood from clothing is to wet the stained area of the fabric with water, sprinkle it with plain old table salt, one half of the stain against the other to work in the salt and loosen the stain, then immediately launder the garment the way you usually do and the stain is gone. We know you love your clothes so much and so we do everything in our –potential to protect something important to you.
So a wise tip is to get rid of the stain gently as every cloth is different and when treated in a harsh manner to remove the stains may result in tearing the cloth. Avoid the use of harsh chemicals whereas distilled white vinegar, baking soda, lime juice, hydrogen peroxide, borax, talc, cornstarch, and chalk are the some simple, easy and efficient way to remove stains from your valuable clothes as these things are available very easily and are used in your day to day life.
Get rid of stains with these simple tips.
With that being said, Dhobi G is the go-to help for anything related to laundry. You may browse many more similar tips at Visit Dhobi G at Make sure to check them out on Facebook as well at .