Habits to Make and Break during the LOCKDOWN.
It is true that it takes about 21 days for a person to develop a new habit. It means that a person who is trying to make a new habit for himself has to practice it continuously for 21 days. We also know that you are tired and bored sitting at home during the pandemic lockdown practicing social distancing and that is why we are here with various habits that you can practice that can help you make new habits by the time this lockdown ends.
Habits can be of learning or doing something new or just trying to stop something that has been bothering you. Habits that can help you make a better you are the best ones. Write down the things that you have been thinking of doing at home but couldn’t because you never really had time for them. Well, now is the right time for you to do all those things and make them your habit. We have listed down a few habits that can be made and broke that can help you during and after this pandemic ends.
Give them all a try:

- Reset your Sleep Cycle: A grownup person needs a goodnight’s sleep of about 7 to 9 hours. Sleep helps you relieve all your stress and lets proper functioning of various body parts. A night of good sleep helps your brain, eyes, emotional well being, immunity and heart. So it really necessary to have a good sleep schedule.

2. Exercise yourself to Fitness: Exercise not only helps you stay fit but also helps you develop a better personality. It helps you relieve whole day stress and make you all ready for other days’ work. It helps you improve your immunity and boost your immunity. Exercise has many forms like yoga, Zumba, lifting weights, cardio, skipping, etc.

3. Keeping yourself Hydrated:Water makes the major part of our body and it is really necessary to maintain the water composition in our body. Put an alarm for every hour to remind yourself to drink a glass of water. Drinking water brings you benefits like healthy and beautiful skin, good oxygen transportation in the body, proper body temperature, good digestive system, etc.

4. Start cooking your own Food: Working in an office would have not given you enough time to cook or learn cooking. Now the right time to start cooking at home and learn new dishes and recipes that can help you stay healthy and never again be disappointed with the food at the office even after the lockdown ends.

5. Meditate your way to Peace:Meditation is a great way to nirvana. Practicing meditation helps your concentration and focus skills. You make your brain function effectively and make yourself immune to all the distractions around you. It also makes you have a positive outlook on you.

6. Stop Smoking and Drinking:The lockdown can be the best time for the people who have been thinking or maybe trying to give up smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol. Every year, both cigarettes and alcohol take a large number of human lives all around the world. Though it could be not east to give up at first but keep fighting and stay strong on your decision.

7. Become a Bookworm:Reading books and educating oneself will never go out of fashion. Reading helps your decision making and Imagination skills better. If you are new to reading books, start off with reading at least one chapter a day. Reading never hurts you and this will become a habit even before you realize it.
All these might look small habits but they do make a major part of our daily lives. Do remember to appreciate yourself daily when you end a day working on making a habit. If you are looking for more tips on surviving boredom visit – https://bit.ly/surv_bore
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Stay Quarantined! Stay Safe!