Myths of COVID-19!

By adminblog

It is said that guns do not kill people but rumors do, which is true in many cases. As the updates about the pandemic are being shared every day, there is also a lot of misinformation going around about Coronavirus. Information from diet to DIYs to prevent coronavirus is being circulated all over the world. But how to tell what is legit and what is not? So we have gathered all the myths which are obviously not true that are being spread like a wildfire around the globe.

Here are the myths and facts about the infamous COVID – 19:

  • COVID-19 virus cannot be transmitted in areas with hot and humid climates – From the evidence so far, regardless of climate, Coronavirus can be transmitted in All areas, including areas with hot and humid weather.
  • Cold weather and snow can kill coronavirus – Regardless of temperature or weather outside the human body temperature adjusts to it and stays the same. According to WHO, an effective way to prevent infection is by washing hands with soap or using sanitizers that contain 60% alcohol.
  • Taking a hot bath prevents the coronavirus – As explained no matter what the human body adjusts itself and keeps itself at normal temperature.
  • The coronavirus can be transmitted through mosquito bites – No it does not. There have been no reports or data that support this myth as of the latest.
  • Spraying alcohol all over your body will kill the coronavirus – No. Spraying alcohol all over your body will not kill viruses that have already entered your body and it also damage your mucous membranes like eyes and mouth.
  • Eating garlic can help prevent infection with the coronavirus – Garlic has antimicrobial properties in it. But, there is no evidence backing the rumor that eating garlic can protect you from infection.
  • Coronavirus affects only older people but not younger people – People of all ages can be infected by the virus. Older people and people with a history of medical conditions such as asthma, diabetes, heart disease appear to be more vulnerable to becoming severely ill with the virus. WHO advises people of all ages to take steps like good hand hygiene and good respiratory hygiene to protect themselves from the virus.
  • Antibiotics are effective in preventing and treating the coronavirus – Antibiotics are a great remedy against bacterias but not viruses.
  • Ordering products from China can transmit the virus – The virus cannot stay alive long enough on cardboard surfaces as discussed in the previous blog (tap in for more details – ). As a product from China will be in transit for days or maybe weeks, it is unlikely you fall sick from it.
  • Garments cannot be a source of virus infection – If not properly disinfected garments can also be a source of virus infection. Although there is less chance of you getting infected this way, it is still not impossible as discussed in previous blogs. (tap in for more details – )

So, these were the most seen rumors among all out there. And there is no specific medicine to prevent or treat COVID-19 yet, so it is advisable to not believe posts telling about a remedy until unless it is officially declared by WHO.

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Stay Quarantined! Stay Safe!