The Monday Blues
We’ve all been there: the clammy dread you feel as the weekend winds down and you’re left with a severe case of the “Monday blues” — that down, lethargic sensation at the start of a new work week.
Coming off a relaxing, fun-filled weekend and making the transition to an unpleasant workday on Monday can be very discouraging, says Wyatt Fisher, PsyD.
“The ‘Monday Blues’ describe a set of negative emotions that many people get at the beginning of the workweek if they’re not happy at work,” says Alexander Kjerulf, an international author and speaker on happiness at work. “It contains elements of depression, tiredness, hopelessness and a sense that work is unpleasant but unavoidable.”
The Monday Blues are so prevalent that they have become a cultural phenomenon. If you find yourself feeling sluggish, tense, or overwhelmed on Monday morning, the following strategies can help you stay 2 steps ahead of these feelings.
8 Ways to gets over Monday Blues
Keep up with your self-care routine over the weekend:
If you drink more, eat richer foods, and have completely different sleep and wake patterns on Saturday and Sunday, you’ll probably feel a bit out of sorts by Monday morning.
This doesn’t mean you can’t give yourself a bit of a break on the weekends. But try to find a balance that lets you unwind while still keeping up with your major routines.
Don’t mess with your sleep cycle:
It sounds obvious, but not feeling well rested can have a huge impact on how you feel Monday morning. Missing out on the recommended 7 to 9 hours of sleep can make you more anxious and depressed.
Keeping your sleep and wake schedule close to what it is during the week to avoid messing up your internal clock. Try to avoid going to bed more than an hour or two later than you would during the week.
Avoid over-scheduling on Monday:

It’s normal to feel overwhelmed when you’re flooded with meetings after coming back from a relaxing weekend. Whenever possible, try to avoid scheduling meetings or big tasks on Monday.
Avoid worrying about a packed schedule by planning ahead and not piling up pending tasks for the next week.
Re-frame Mondays:
If you’re having a hard time starting the week on a good note, consider getting in the habit of spending the first 30 minutes of your Monday writing down your achievements and goals you have for your future. This can help you think in terms of the bigger picture and how your current work might help you achieve your larger goals.
Talk it out with a friend:
Sometimes, there’s no better way to feel more at ease than calling a close friend for support. If you’re feeling especially overwhelmed, reach out to a loved one during your lunch break on Mondays.
Simply talking about your day with someone who understands can help you feel more confident and prepared to tackle large projects.
Treat yourself:
Breakfast is almost always a smart move — but pay extra attention to it on Monday.
Maybe that’s the day you pop into a cafe and order your favorite breakfast sandwich on your way in. Or maybe you set aside 20 minutes on Sunday night to prep a bunch of veggies for a hearty omelette in the morning, it also helps you stay energized as you ease back into your weekly grind.
Have a post-work plan:
Your day shouldn’t just be about trudging through Monday to get it over with, but about looking forward to something. “By making Monday a special day where you get to go out with friends, make your favorite dinner, or eat a bowl of popcorn and catch up on a TV show you recorded, the day doesn’t have to be all about getting up to go into the office,” counselors say.
Know when it’s more than just blues:
If the Monday blues start turning into the Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday blues, you might be dealing with depression. This can also be accompanied by a chronic sense of hopelessness, irritability, restlessness, and sleep troubles.
While it’s normal to feel nervous about Monday now and again, if you feel your dread has become excessive or is affecting other areas of your life, it may be time to seek professional help.
This was a list of methods that you could follow to leave behind the feeling of Monday Blues. You should take rest, work hard, take care of yourself and keep up with your daily chores. Dhobi G is here to help you out with your laundry work and take it out of your stack of weekly/daily chores. You could simply contact Dhobi G online laundry service and we will surely and responsibly wash/dry-clean your laundry for you. We will pick your laundry from your place and post service, deliver it right at your doorstep, at reasonable prices. Contact Dhobi G, details on the official website.